i got into persona in july of 2018, right after i had graduated from middle school. during that year, i had come way back into touch with anime after a year of swearing it off since that was "cringe" (though ive got love live to thank for my anime resurgence). i actually had a dream about playing vr persona in an arcade, which is the reason i picked the series up in the first place! i started with persona 4, (which is why i have so much love for that game, that's why my site is themed after it too) and it immediately sparked two years worth of insane frenzied personaposting and likely over a hundred different drawings, most lost to time.
these days, i'm much more toned down about it, despite it still occupying a large amount of my thoughts at ALL TIMES. it isn't a story i'm working on without a complementary persona 5 AU! i've also taken to collecting persona games myself, and i'd like to update this site in the future with merchandise, once i actually. own some -_- i'm not an expert by any means on the series, since i haven't beaten A LOT of the games i own (she keeps replaying persona 4), but i'd love to share some of the series i love with the world!